Darul Iftaa Latest

Khulafa of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Rahimahullah)

The sudden demise of our respected Shaykh Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib (Rahmatullah alayh) is a great loss for us and for the Ummah . Not only was he a master in Fiqh and Hadith and a pioneer in the establishment of numerous Darul Iftaa’s across the globe ,Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib (Rahmatullah alayh) was also a spiritual guide and spent decades assisting people in their personal journeys to AllahTa’ala.

Mufti Sahib (Rahmatullah alayh) is finally home with his beloved Allah Ta’ala. He prepared for this day decades ago . In preparation for this, he prepared his Iftaa students and Mureeds to serve the Ummah through Fiqh and Tasawwuf. Mufti Sahib (Rahmatullah alayh) built a foundation to continue serving the Ummah. Whilst hundreds were spiritually connected to Mufti Sahib (Rahmatullah alayh), until his sad demise, he had granted some of his students Ijaza in Tasawwuf in his lifetime.

Those who have ijāza in Tasawwuf from Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib (Rahmatullah alayh) are as follows:

1. Mufti Abrar Mirza (Chicago, USA) 


2. Mufti Abdul Azeem Khan (Texas, USA)


3. Mufti Yusuf Ibn Ya’qub (Virginia, USA)


4. Mufti Faraz Adam (Leicester, UK)


The readers are encouraged to continue to benefit from all of Mufti Sahib (Rahmatullah alayh’s) students.

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