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We have established this website www.daruliftaa.net for the sole pleasure of Allah and for the propagation of His Deen in its pristine form. It is our ardent desire to answer as many questions as possible. However, as much as we would like to help our Ummah, our resources are limited.

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  • Kindly allow up to 3-7 working days for your answer.  If the question requires research, allow up to 2 weeks or more. You may remind us if the question has not been answered within the given time-frame.
  • If you already asked the question from another Aalim/Mufti, kindly state.
  • The Darul Iftaa does not take questions submitted in languages other than English, Arabic and Urdu.
  • Please format your question appropriately. Construct your question in proper legible English. Use of paragraphs, punctuation and smaller sentences help us understand your question better.
  • The Darul Iftaa may publish answers to queries on the website. Privacy and confidentiality of questioners will be strictly respected and protected. 
  • Kindly read the Disclaimer below.

Jazakallahu Khayra




    • The Darul Iftaa aims at responding to queries relating to Islamic ethics and law. It does not serve as an Islamic court of law.
    • The questions and answers found on this website are for educational purposes. However, many of the rulings rendered here are distinct to the specific scenario, and thus should be read in conjunction with the question and not taken as a basis to establish a verdict in another situation or environment.
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    • The Darul Iftaa does not accept any responsibility for any problems that may arise out of experimentation with any of the methods, suggestions or recommendations made in any answer, article or literature posted on this website.
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