Darul Iftaa Latest

PHD in Islamic Jurisprudence

The Darul Iftaa provides World Class training and education to students from across the Globe including the United States of America, Jamaica, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia, South Africa, Australia and various other countries abroad.

Students are trained in various disciplines including Jurisprudence & Islamic Verdicts, Hadeeth Sciences and Tafseer. We also offer part time training and various short courses.

The Darul Iftaa is established to enhance leadership in the Ummah through dynamic Muftis incorporating academics with practical realities in order to address contemporary issues and provide balanced solutions to the challenges of the Ummah in all aspects of life.

Some of the subjects covered in the Iftaa syllabus:

Usoolul Iftaa
Fiqhi Qawaaid
Islamic Finance
Furoo’ Fiqhiyya
Contemporary Fiqh
Introduction To Hanafi Kutub
Inheritance & Wills
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As part of the graduation process students are required to produce two thesis demonstrating the student knows the principal works of the research area and can produce significant scholarly work.

The Darul Iftaa Leadership program provides students with unique and free professional development opportunities to develop their leadership skills and stand out from the crowd.

Each student has a chance to actively take part in the mediation and arbitration cases of the Darul Iftaa. Students also have an opportunity to attend the Faskhun Nikah cases at our local Jamiatul Ulama.