Darul Iftaa Latest

Messages from Muftis Worldwide

Messages from

Muftis World-wide 


MUFTI BILAL CASSIM- (Senior Ustaadh of Hadith and Mufti- Darul Uloom Newcastle, South Africa)

I am honoured to have been the first student of the Darul Iftaa at its inception over a decade ago. Retrospectively, I realize that those were the best days of my life. My beloved Ustaadh, Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb, besides being a father and mentor, also possessed and still possesses the wonderful ability to foster an environment of making study a beautiful and enjoyable journey. No person could ask for a better guide, a travelling companion, a friend. May Allah bless Mufti Saheb (Daamat Barakaatuhu) with long life and aafiyah.I am most certain that the current endeavor will be fruitful and a means of tremendous benefit for the Ummah. May Allah accept and grant His choicest blessings.

–  Bilal Cassim



MUFTI IMRAN HATIA- (Senior Ustaadh of Hadith and Mufti- Darul Uloom Newcastle, South Africa)

I nostalgically recollect the fond memories of spending three wonderful years under the expert tutelage and companionship of Mufti Saheb DB.In Mufti Saheb i found a unique personality that was passionately driven with the burning desire to selflessly serve deen against all odds.Closely observing Mufti Saheb tirelessly discharging his daily commitments tacitly demanded from his students amongst others : professionalism, critical thinking, thorough research, upright character and unwavering commitment and dedication.

I congratulate Mufti Saheb on the occasion of the launch of this new website and i make dua that Allah Ta’ala makes this effort the threshold to the eventual culmination of Mufti Saheb’s efforts and desire of making correct and authentic information readily accessible to the thirsty global muslim community together with providing practical solutions to their worldly and spiritual difficulties.

– Imran Hatia



MUFTI HUSAIN KADODIA- Ustaadh- Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah

I wish to extend my congratulations to Hadrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai on the completion of the Dar al-Ifta building project. The time I spent studying Ifta under the guidance and expert tutorage of Mufti Sahib is always cherished as a special period of my life. Mufti Sahib’s loving and warm manner coupled with his burning desire to serve the Ummah and benefit his students is really inspiring.

From amongst the graduates of the Dar al-Ifta, I am the fortunate one whom Allah Ta’ala has allowed to continue benefiting from Mufti Sahib through my teaching at the Institute. While it is called “teaching”, it is really I who benefits from the daily academic discussions with the elite group of students we host here. May Allah Ta’ala accept all our efforts. Amin.


– Husain Kadodia



MUFTI SUHAIL TARMAHOMED- Mufti Jamiat Kzn, Durban, South Africa


In every era, there are those few special personalities who are selected by Allah to serve his Deen on a global scale. From amongst these select few are those who become world renowned and widely accepted as a guide and spiritual leader in every part of the word. It brings me great joy to know that my honourable Ustaz, Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Hafizhahullah) is one of these elite few chosen servants of Allah.

The website of the Darul Iftaa is yet another platform amongst many of extensive service to Islam that Mufti Ebrahim (Hafizahullah) is actively involved in. Viewers of the website will benefit greatly from the juridical skills, wisdom and in-depth knowledge of our honourable Ustaz.

May Allah accept the efforts of our honourable Ustaz and allow us and the Ummah to continue benefitting from his vast knowledge and wisdom. Amin


– Suhail Tarmahomed



MUFTI FAIZAL RIZA- (Mufti- Darul Iftaa, Melbourne Australia http://www.fatwa.org.au– Senior lecturer of Hadith, Tafseer, Fiqh – Darul Uloom College, Victoria)

The Grand Mufti of Pakistan Hazrat Mufti Shafi’ Usmani (Rahmatullahi Alaih) used to say that he chose the field of issuing fatawa over the other fields of Deen because by issuing fatawa there is assurance that the questioners will immediately benefit.  In today’s world, as more and more people are turning to the internet for answers, there is a growing need to provide reliable websites to answer the questions of the global Muslim ummah.

My beloved teacher and mentor , Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai sahib (daamat barakaatuhum) has not only guided and benefited the Muslim ummah all around the world with his online fatawa, he has also inspired many ulama , especially his students, to serve the Muslim ummah in a similar manner.

Hazrat Mufti sahib’s relentless  zeal to cater for the growing needs of the global Muslim ummah led him to the recent expansion of his Darul Iftaa al-Mahmudiya to train ulama from all over the world in issuing fatawa and guiding  the ummah.

Following the completion of the expansion project, the new website of the Darul Iftaa is also ready. As with all the initiatives of Hazrat Mufti sahib, this new website will also, insha’allah, be successful in serving and guiding the ummah. I welcome one and all to benefit from the new website.

Finally, I make dua to Allah Ta’ala that He accepts all the efforts of Hazrat Mufti sahib, grants barakah in his health and life and makes the new website highly beneficial for the entire ummah. Ameen.


– Faizal Riza


MUFTI ABRAR MIRZA- (Mufti based in Chicago, IL, USA – Vice president of Darul Hikmah and director of Darul Hikmah Academy- Assistant Administrator Askimam.org)

From the first time we met in Chicago (US), I could tell that Mufti Sahib was extremely humble and had a very soft heart.  Alhamdulillah, after years of benefiting through his fatawa via the world famous AskImam.org website, I had the honor to study iftaa under Mufti Sahib, along with the other teachers at the Darul Iftaa, namely Mufti Emraan Vawda and Mufti Husain Kadodia.  Mufti Sahib not only taught us iftaa, but he also had a great emphasis on adab and akhlaq.  He kept us engaged through his teaching style in the classroom, while he sought to our personal needs outside of it.

Mufti Sahib had always maintained a refreshingly high standard for our fatawa, sending us back multiple times to improve on an answer even if it was technically correct.  After traveling to numerous countries throughout the world, including the US and UK, Mufti Sahib has a deep understanding of the challenges facing these communities and is an expert on contemporary issues, such as Islamic financing.

Alhamdulillah, the company of Mufti Sahib is a great blessing for anyone in regards to their ta’lim as well as tazkiyah.  May Allah Ta’ala grant Mufti Sahib and the other teachers long, healthy lives and bless us to continue benefiting through them.

– Abrar Mirza


MUFTI YUSUF IBN YAQUB – (Darul Iftaa http://seekilm.com/ – Principal Madrasah Madinatul Uloom USA www.madinatululoomusa.org)

Respected Seekers of knowledge, welcome and glad tidings. Our respected, revered and beloved Teacher and Shaikh, Muhtaram Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib (damat barakatuhu) has launched the new Darul Iftaa site. On this auspicious occasion, I have found it befitting to present the poem of Imam Muhammad Ibn Hassan Al-Shaybani, one of the greatest students of Imam Abu Hanifa (RH) to whose efforts we owe the preservation and compilation of the Hanafi Madhhab. Our illustrious Imam advises,


تعلم فإن العلم زين لأهله                    وفضل وعنوان لكل المحامد


وكن مستفيداً كل يوم زيادة                 من العلم واسبح في بحور الفوائد


تفقه فإن الفقه أفضل قائد                    إلى البر والتقوى وأعدل قاصد


هو العلم الهادي إلى سنن الهدى           هو الحصن ينجي من جميع الشدائد


فإن فقيهاً واحداً متورعاً                     أشد على الشيطان من ألف عابد


Learn; for knowledge is an adornment and virtue for he who possesses it, as well as a prelude to every praiseworthy action.

Profit each day by increasing your knowledge and swim the oceans of beneficial knowledge.

Learn Fiqh! For Fiqh is the best guide to piety and taqwa, and the straightest path to the goal. It is a signpost leading to paths of guidance; it is the fortress that saves from all hardships; for verily a single pious Faqih is more severe against Shaytan than a thousand worshippers.


–  Yusuf ibn Yaqub



MUFTI ABDUR RAHMAN SHAREEF-  Mufti- Darul Iftaa, Botswana

Few years back, when Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sb Maddazilluhu advised me to do the Iftaa course under  him, I was so delighted and overjoyed that Allaah SWT granted me an opportunity to study under a world renowned Mufti  whose Ilm , Zuhd and Taqwa  are well known to everyone. Hadhrat Mufti Sb is well known for his remarkable contribution towards   Islamic Finance and Contemporary  Masaail. Darul Iftaa, Mahmoodiyyah and its websites are proven to be very beneficial not only to laymen but also to the Ulama-e-Kiraam  and others  who are in some way  engaged in  Deeni  Activities.

I really enjoyed and benefitted immensely from Mufti Sb and can never forget his love and affection towards me. He guided me at every step and encouraged me to remain steadfast and dedicated towards my studies. I congratulate and welcome my beloved Ustaadh and Muhsin on the auspicious occasion of launching of his eagerly awaited new website.

I pray from the bottom of my heart that May Allaah Ta’aala accept his noble effort and make it a means of immense benefit for the entire Ummah and a Sadaqa e Jaria for him.(aameen)

– Abdur Rahman Shareef, Gaborone, Botswana




MUFTI EHZAZ AJMERI: (Mufti and Instructor of Islamic Sciences at DarusSalam Foundation-Chicago, USA)


I was afforded the opportunity to enroll and study ifta studies under the tutelage of Hadrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib (d.b.). Only after embarking this journey under guidance of Hadrat Mufti Sahib did I realize how little of the vast ocean of fiqh I really understood. The complexness and comprehensiveness of the Ḥanafī Fiqh can slightly be perceived after completing the ifta program.

While studying under the Hadrat Mufti Sahib, I found his teachings to be not only a more profound understanding of fiqh, but found it to be implementation of the theoretical discussions of the Alimiyyah studies. He taught me how to execute the theoretic knowledge learned from classical books and how to link it with modern day issues. Hadrat Mufti Sahib teaches the students to analyze the issue from all angles, be moderate in the approach when answering an issue, and keep the background and lifestyle of different individuals in mind. While being moderate and finding ease for the masses, the student should not forfeit what he stands for. The experience of Hadrat Mufti Sahib throughout the years of answering Islamic verdicts and travelling abroad is priceless. The effect of his services to Islam is hidden to none.

It brings me great honor to welcome you to the Darul Ifta website. May Allah benefit the ummah through the services of the website and grant us the ability to take maximum benefit from Hadrat Mufti Sahib, Amin.


– Ehzaz Ajmeri


MUFTI ASIF UMAR- (Mufti and Imam/Director of Religious Affairs-Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A)

Alhamdulillah, with the grace and fadl of Allah Ta’ala it is my pleasure to welcome you to the new Darul Iftaa website. My dear respected ustadh Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (Hafizahullah) has once again used the means of modern technology by updating a website which is an immense benefit to the ummah worldwide.

As a student of the Darul Iftaa from ’08-’09 I can relate to you that Mufti Saheb, graduates of the Darul Iftaa, and the students of Darul Iftaa work hard day and night researching and answering questions related to many topics, including various contemporary and pressing issues faced by Muslims today. Not only are the answers explained with clarity and detail, but the evidences from the various texts are also provided.

It is indeed a great blessing from Allah Ta’ala to have well- researched answers a few clicks away in our homes, knowing especially that they are approved by one of the most reputable Muftis in our time. May Allah Ta’ala bless and protect Hadhrat Mufti Saheb and may Allah accept the Darul Iftaa and the website and make it a means of the ummah to follow and implement the rulings and teachings of Shari’ah. Ameen

–  Asif Umar ( Graduate / 09)



MUFTI FAISAL NIAZI AL- MAHMUDI- Mufti based in Montreal, Canada- fatwa.ca

It was over a decade ago that Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb invited me to study under him. Since then up till the day when he saw me off to leave South Africa, he has been nothing less than a father to me. He is my mentor, my teacher, my guide, my sheikh and my beloved friend.

Hazrat Mufti Saheb has been gifted to transform any project he touches into a fountain of far reaching blessings. Where he has satiated students through insightful duroos in Fiqh and Hadeeth, he also laid the foundation of the Darul Iftaa, a specialized institute with academia beyond boundaries.

With the recent expansion of the Darul Iftaa building, a new website of Darul Iftaa with a renewed vigour and enthusiasm was in order. Alhamdulillah after months of hardwork, I am most humbled to welcome one and all to the institution’s new website. The website will become a hub for a plethora of insightful and informative information. A cohesive bond bringing together all those who have benefited from and love Hazrat Mufti Saheb and his institution.

I make sincere dua’ that Allah Ta’ala take immense work through this website and makes it a means of guidance and maghfirah for all those associated with it, Ameen

–  Faisal al-Mahmudi


MUFTI ISMAIL MOOSA- (Mufti, Johannesburg, South Africa – Fatwaa.com)

Being one of the first scholars to respond to questions via the internet, Hadhrat Shaykh Mufti Ebrahim Desai needs no introduction. Due to his extensive travels, he is easily able to relate to situations of various different countries. A distinguishing quality of Shaykh is that he goes out of his way to answer questions promptly without compromising on academic references.

Alhamdulillah, we had the great fortune of studying under Shaykh, and found him to be more than just a teacher. He is always approachable and open to discussion, making every student comfortable and at ease. Furthermore, shaykh takes particular interest in the interest of his students even after they complete the course under him, and never ceases to advise and inspire us all.

–  Ismail Moosa


MUFTI ISHAAQ MOOSA- (Mufti, Johannesburg, South Africa- Fatwaa.com)

Alhamdulillah, it is with a great sense of joy and heartfelt gratitude to Allah Ta`ala that I have known and studied under Hadrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb.

Four years back after having completed my `Alim course I was blessed by Allah Ta`ala to have been afforded the opportunity to study my Ifta under Hadrat Mufti Saheb. From the moment I first met Hadrat Mufti Saheb to this day, Hadrat Mufti Saheb continues to be a source of great inspiration, support, and encouragement. I owe my spiritual and academic growth to a great extent to Hadrat Mufti Sahebs untiring and selfless efforts. Hadrat Mufti Saheb has positively affected the lives of thousands of individuals across the globe through various mediums. Hadrat Mufti Sahebs perseverance, dedication, sacrifice, and determination against all odds, under trying circumstances and difficult times stand out as a beacon of motivation and encouragement for all of us.

I am honoured to pen this welcome to the new face of daruliftaa.net. May Allah Ta`ala accept this noble work and use it to benefit the ummah in every nook and corner of the world. Amin.

– Ishaaq Moosa



MUFTI FARAZ IBN ADAM AL –MAHMUDI- (Mufti based in Leicester, UK-http://darulfiqh.com/)

With the world ever-evolving with cutting edge technology and innovation, the demand to decipher and decrypt contemporary issues has surged.  A sound, authentic response propelled with the guidance of the great scholars of this era is the way to sail forward.  The Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah is the platform equipping scholars with sound academic and spiritual training to tackle the challenges which lie ahead. Studying at the Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah and being in the shadow of Hadhrat Shaykh Mufti Ebrahim Desai Daamat Barakatuhum is an experience of a lifetime. From the in-depth juristic discussions to the fatherly love expressed by Hadhrat Mufti Sahib, every moment is one to cherish.

To encapsulate my thoughts on the Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah, I can happily say it is not just an institute; it is more than that.  It has many shades which radiate during the hours of the day and night. The Darul Iftaa is a place of spiritual enlightenment, academic enrichment and heart-warming affection.

–  Faraz al- Mahmudi


MUFTI EBRAHIM DESAI- Mufti, Principal Madrassah- Port Shepstone- South Africa

Alhamdulillah, I have had the great privilege of not just studying under my esteemed ustaadh Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb, but also the good fortune of shadowing Hazrat Mufti Saheb out of the classroom environment and in the various capacities that Hazrat served.

In doing so, I have gained invaluable insight into some of Mufti Saheb’s dreams and personal aspirations. I am therefore filled with immense joy to witness Hazrat Mufti Saheb reaching one of Mufti Sahebs aspired milestones. The askimam website, Darul Iftaa and Mufti Saheb needs no introduction as they have been forerunners in providing information, guidance and answers to many individuals seeking shar’i advice on dealing with life’s challenges.

In this era of technological advancement where cyberspace is a vital source of information, Hazrat Mufti Saheb has succeeded in creating an avenue for those seeking Islamic guidance globally.

May Allah Ta’ala continue taking Hazrat Mufti Saheb from strength to strength and May Allah Ta’ala continue using Hazrat Mufti Saheb to serve His Noble Deen. It is my fervent Duaa and desire not only to share the same name as Hazrat Mufti Saheb but to emulate him and in meeting the challenges of the modern world from a Deeni perspective.

– Forever your student, Ebrahim Desai


MUFTI LUQMAN HANSROT-(Mufti based in UK- efiqh.co.uk)

Years ago it was the fervor and desire of my beloved father that I study under the tutor ship of not just a Scholar and Jurist but a Sheikh ul Fann (Master in all sciences) whether it be of Qura’an , Hadith, Fiqh, Tafseer and a Sheikh who is a spiritual mentor for many around the world. Alhamdullilah, through the advice of my father I had taken the journey to study nine years under Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb who had not just been my mentor and teacher but had kept a very close eye on me as his very own son in every aspect of my career.

Mufti Ebrahim Saheb is regarded to be from amongst the great jurists of our modern world. I recall once I was on a journey with my Sheikh, Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri Saheb and a person had asked a certain Fiqhi ruling and Mufti Saheb had referred that person to get the ruling from Mufti Ebrahim Saheb, this was an acknowledgement of Mufti Ebrahim Saheb’s  works and Knowledge which great Ulama of our present day recognize.

It was always Mufti Ebrahim Saheb’s dream that he set up an Institution through which Ulama could study for the higher post graduate and qualify as Mufti’s and Jurist. In a short span of time the dream of Mufti Saheb through the Dua’s of great Ulama had come to a reality.

Hadrat Mufti Ebrahim Saheb has been recognised to be one of the great Ulama through whom the general public around the world has benefited through his Juristic rulings via the electronic media system in the modern age.

Thus after the expansion of the New Darul Iftaa which has been setup, Mufti Ebrahim Saheb has launched the new Darul Iftaa website portal which will be the hub of the institution.

I humbly take great pleasure and honour in inviting one and all to take benefit from such a website which will be insightful and informative in every aspect of a person’s life from the cradle to the grave.

I sincerely make Dua that Allah Ta’ala grant Mufti Saheb a long healthy life through which every person on the face of the earth could benefit from his works and achievements and make his works a sign which will remain until the day of Qiyamah. Aameen

– Luqman ibn Moulana Mohammed Qasim Hansrot, United Kingdom


MUFTI ZAMAN- Mufti based in Hong Kong

Traditional Islamic values coupled with firm background in Islamic Jurisprudence;  Darul Ifta Mahmodiyah aims to provide necessary atmosphere and upbringing in order to produce the Muslims scholars of the future. Darul Ifta Mahmudiyyah and it’s website was established few years ago, it was the wish and desire of Hadhrat Mufti Saheb damat barakatuhum to improve and enhance the quality of the website for the ease and comfort of the visitors; Alhamdulilah after months of hardwork the website has been launched.

It was through the website Askimam.org that i came to know about Hadhrat Mufti Saheb. I still remember when i phoned Mufti Saheb for the first time concerning my admission and Mufti saheb welcomed me to the shores of South Africa. Since then up till now Mufti Saheb has expressed such love and mercy for me which i don’t deserve and had it not been for Mufti Saheb’s encouragement i wouldn’t have been qualified as a Mufti. I thank Allah for granting me the opportunity to complete my studies under Mufti Saheb and i make duaa that Allah Ta’ala keep Mufti Saheb’s shadow over us for a long time. Ameen.

–   Zaman


 MUFTI ZAID SHELIA- Mufti based in USA

Alhamdulillah, I was one of the fortunate students that got the immense pleasure of studying under Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahab. He is my teacher as well as a fatherly figure that I look up to in every aspect of my life. Words cannot describe Hazrat. To really know him, one has to spend quality time with him.

The Darul Iftaa has created a new website. I humbly welcome everybody to Darul Iftaa’s new website. I make Dua that Allah Ta’ala make this website a means of spreading the work of Deen in the entire world. Ameen.

– Zaid


MUFTI SOHAIL – (Mufti based in Chicago , USA – Assistant Administrator- Daral Mahmood)

With great pleasure, we welcome you to the new redesigned website of the Darul Iftaa. The Darul Iftaa is a culmination of more than a decade of devotion and sacrifice to the sacred sciences of Islam by Mufti Ebrahim Desai (may Allah preserve him). From fiqh (jurisprudence) and tasawwuf (purification of the soul) to an entire website focused solely on the exalted status of women in Islam, Mufti Saab (may Allah preserve him) has developed several online beacons of knowledge and wisdom that shine light on the beauty and fairness of our faith.

This latest addition, the redesigned Darul Iftaa site will Insha-Allah provide a better, enhanced experience to visitors. From its collection of authentic fatawas and insights on business-related issues to valuable research articles in the various Islamic sciences, the Darul Iftaa endeavors to provide a valuable and much-needed service to meet the needs of the Muslim community in South Africa and the world at large.

We kindly request your duas’ that Allah bless and accept us for this noble effort.

–  Sohail


MUFTI MOOSA SALIE- Assistant Mufti- Jamiat, Durban South Africa

I remember well my first meeting with Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb when he arrived as the head Mufti and Ustaadh of Hadith in Madrasah Inaamiyyah, Camperdown. We were but children in front of a great man but Mufti Saheb embraced each student with the warmth and affection a father reserves for his children. Incidents of Mufti Saheb’s vast knowledge, his humility, kindness and affection remain etched in my memory.The news of a new website and the constant progress of Mufti Saheb’s Darul Iftaa brings joy to the heart and lifts the spirit. May Allah bless the new website with acceptance and use it as a means of lighting the beacons of guidance throughout the globe, Ameen.

– Moosa Salie



My mentor, my father, my friend Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb, with whom I have spent the past two years, has been continuously guiding me throughout the various changes of life, especially in contemporary Islamic Finance issues. Alhamdulillah, he has given me the greatest amount of fun and a great learning experience. He is a GENIUS mentor, a Hard worker and his humility and dedication continues to amaze and inspire my work and my life. Driven by the passion and desire to serve Allah Ta’ala’s Deen, Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai laid the foundation of Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah. Alhamdulillah, with continous efforts, the Darul Iftaa has become the Hub for Islamic Jurisprudence for many Muslims globally.  With the new Website www.daruliftaa.net, this Dini service will expound and permeate the masses Insha Allah.

I ask Allah Ta’ala that He grants acceptance and Barakah to the new Darul Iftaa website. Ameen.

– Mufti Hussein Issa




It was nearly two years ago when I first walked into Darul Iftaa to study under Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahab when he embraced me whole heartedly like a father who is overjoyed at the arrival of his son. With so much enthusiasm, he took care of all my personal needs without having to ask him for anything. Today, I am deeply indebted to Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahab and his whole family. Frankly speaking, I haven’t regretted a single moment of my stay in Darul Iftaa.


In every era, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has created special servants who have carried out their obligation by revolutionizing the collapsing affair of the Ummah. In this era, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has taken an extraordinary work of Deen from Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahab. Through his remarkable effort, he has revolutionized the lives of many Muslims around the world. He was listed as one of the top five hundred most influential Muslims in the world.[1] Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has blessed Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahab with a unique ability of handling contemporary issues and reading between lines of the questioner from a psychological point of view. Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahab is an expert at business and social related issues. He has trained students coming from all over the world in the field of Fiqh (jurisprudence) and Islamic Finance. The training requires the students to fully participate in business and financial meetings where they closely observe live situations and how the case is dealt with. This becomes a source of empowerment for the students allowing them to prepare against challenges faced in the real world. The meetings consists of various types of social issues that a Mufti would normally be faced with back in his community. The recent expansion of the Darul Iftaa has inculcated immense vigor and love for seeking the knowledge of Deen in the hearts of many who have came and visited the building. At last, with the grace and mercy of Allah, the expansion project which had undertaken a long journey of many months of sweat breaking effort has finally come to a completion. The building stands bright and illuminated. Along with the expansion of the building, the Darul Iftaa has also launched its new website. It has now become very easy for a person to acquire knowledge of Halal and Haram when Deen is accessible right at our fingertips.

I welcome everyone to the new Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah website and to benefit from Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahab. I make Dua to Allah that He quenches the thirst of knowledge of many individuals through this website till the Day of Judgment. Ameen.

– Abdul Hannan




In recent times the  Religion of Islam has become known to people across the world. Unfortunately, many people are not clear as to what this Islamic way of life entails and maybe deficient in their knowledge of the intricacies of detailed masailles.  Consequently, Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah under the guidance of Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb, Damat Barakaatuhum,  is vigorously engaged in answering queries raised by these individuals on a daily basis. Alhamdulillah, Almighty Allah has honoured me to be amongst the students of this Darul Iftaa. Currently in my country Jamaica there is only one Alim. There are no Muftis. Inshallah this guidance that I am receiving will be of great benefit not only to me, but to my entire country.

Two years in Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah has made a remarkable impact on my level of Deeni Training. By answering the queries of the public the mind of the student also opens up and his knowledge is augmented through the researches that are being conducted daily.

-Sa’eed Goulab




I begin by thanking Allāh Ta’ālā immensely for accepting me to study at Darul Iftaa Mahmūdiyyah. I honestly consider my decision to study at the Darul Iftaa under the expertise of Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb Damat Barakatuhum to be one of the best decisions I made in my life Alhamdulillah.The Darul Iftaa has over the years empowered the lives of many individuals with the correct understanding of Dīn. Rasūlullāh Sallallāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam has stated, “Whoever Allāh Ta’ālā intends goodness for, He blesses him with the correct understanding of Dīn.” (Sahīh al-Bukhārī). In this day and age, where all types of information regarding Allāh Ta’ālā’s Dīn is easily accessible at the click of a button, it is imperative to have an institution that presents only substantiated and authentic Dīnī knowledge to the masses. Alhamdulillah, Darul Iftaa Mahmūdiyyah has been fulfilling this noble obligation over the years and will continue to do so through the new website Insha Allāh.

I ask Allāh Ta’ālā that He makes Darul Iftaa Mahmūdiyyah and the new website a means of spreading Haqq throughout all corners of the world. Amīn.

– Abdul Azeem


MUFTI MAHMOOD PATEL, Azaadville, South Africa


As a student of the Darul-Iftaa, I extend a warm welcome to all viewers of this website which aims to feature authentic academic discussions and research articles in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence with special attention to contemporary issues.This website is under the supervision of my respected and well-known teacher, Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (may Allah Taʿālā keep him in the service of His Deen for a long time), whose tireless efforts in the field of Islamic jurisprudence has caused the world over more consciousness to conducting life in accordance with the dictates of Shariah. His dedication to Islamic jurisprudence and practical training of his students in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence has produced dynamic Muftis (experts in issuing Islamic verdicts) and has lead to the formation of resourceful Islamic institutions as well as other authentic websites on the internet which cater for the dire need of the Ummah to have their questions answered. I hope that you will frequent this website and keep yourself updated with its latest content.

– Mahmood Patel




The Darul Iftaa is one of the few places that I feel comfortable calling my home away from home. This is primarily due to Hazrat Mufti Saheb, my mentor, tutor and spiritual guide. I found guidance, friendship, discipline and love, everything, in him. He taught me to be true to myself, honest and continues to discipline me in order to make me a better human being and khadim for the Ummah. His amazing energy and unparalleled work ethic encourages and inspires me to work harder. He has managed to create an environment where there is enthusiasm for learning, appreciation for growing, and room for making mistakes along the way. This is something which in my humble opinion and experience very few individuals have the power to do.


He is a candle who continues to light the wicks of students and teachers throughout the world knowing and understanding that he is spreading Haq. I make dua that Allah Ta’ala makes the new Darul Iftaa website a vessel through which the truth sails across the oceans and all over the world and ventures into places where people have yet to hear about the beauty and truth of Islam.


The one Ayah of the Holy Quran that constantly comes to my mind when I think about Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Saheb and the Darul Iftaa is “وَاتَّبِعْ سَبِيلَ مَنْ أَنَابَ إِلَيَّ”. I say this because of the balanced qualities I see in Hazrat Mufti Saheb which reflect the character and mizaj (temperament) of our Akabir and pious predecessors. Hazrat Mufti Saheb scolds when necessary but also gives praise where it’s due. He is firm and resolute and knows what he wants, but also soft hearted and lenient. I say this with confidence because these are both and these are some qualities that I have  witnessed and experienced first-hand. These years under the tutelage and guidance of Hazrat Mufti Saheb have been some of the best, most beneficial and finest years of my life; both academically and characteristically. I can only hope and pray that Allah Ta’ala grant Hazrat Mufti Saheb barakah in his knowledge, age and health and that He continues to take the work of Deen from him. Aameen.


– Saanwal Muhammad





I have been extremely fortunate for having the honour of studying under Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai حفظه الله. When searching for an institution to study at, one needs to consider a number of factors such as the level of teaching, how one can fit in at the institution etc.


When I decided to study under Hadhrat Mufti Saheb, obviously there was considerable excitement due to having been granted the opportunity to study under a world renowned scholar who has tremendous acceptance worldwide. I expected a wide range of questions which would enhance my ability in different fields of knowledge especially the field of jurisprudence. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that since I started the Ifta course with Hadhrat Mufti Saheb, Alhamdulillah there has been a much more deeper understanding in the different fields of knowledge especially jurisprudence.

However, there is something else which has made a much deeper impact in my life which is analysing the character and humbleness of Hadhrat Mufti Saheb حفظه الله. One can only understand this if they spend time with Hadhrat Mufti Saheb. I realised that Allah grants this kind of acceptance to his special slaves and certainly Hadhrat Mufti Saheb is a tremendous example of such acceptance.In essence, I had the intention of enhancing my knowledge, however, Alhamdulillah, I gained from the Darul Ifta not only the tools to enhance this knowledge but also the understanding of how knowledge will be beneficial.


I make that Allah Ta’ala keeps the shadow of  Hadhrat Mufti Saheb over us and May Allah Ta’ala give us the understanding to benefit from Hadhrat Mufti Saheb. May Allah Ta’ala take the Darul Ifta and its new website from strength to strength, Ameen.


-Mohammed Patel



Academic Experience

The Darul Iftaa provides World Class training and education to students from across the Globe including the United States of America, Jamaica, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia, South Africa, Australia and various other countries abroad.

Students are trained in various disciplines including Jurisprudence & Islamic Verdicts, Hadeeth Sciences and Tafseer.