Darul Iftaa Latest


Series on Tawakkul #2

DAILY NASEEHA By Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb SERIES ON TAWAKKUL #2 [29/12/2020] Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb expounds further on the reality of Tawakkul and explains it in conjunction with Taqdeer. Adopting means during the Covid- 19 pandemic is not against Tawakkul. Audio below ? Series on Tawakkul #2 By Mufti …

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DAILY NASEEHA By Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb  SERIES ON TAWAKKUL #1 [28/12/2020] Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb explains the reality of Tawakkul in the context of Covid – 19 and some prescriptions. Audio below ? SERIES TO CONTINUE …   Tawakkul Series #1 By Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb

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  The Darul Iftaa takes note of the “second strain” of the Covid-19 virus. Many people are ill and are facing challenging times in hospitals breathing through oxygenators and ventilators. It is our heartfelt dua that Allah grant all those are ill and sick complete Shifaa. Aameen. Sickness is a …

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Covid -19 | Hoax or Reality?

On Wednesday evening, on the Cii Radio Q&A programme, Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb emphasised that the Covid 19 virus is a reality. It is not a hoax. He urges everyone to take precaution. He also advised to respect differences of opinions and avoid disputes and differences. Listen to the Q&A …

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Don’t lose your Children during the Holidays

Let us preserve our investment made in our children. Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb offers some valuable advises to parents on the Q&A session on Cii Radio on Wednesday evening (16/12/20). Listen to the Q&A Audio below.(Right click and ‘save link as’ to download) Dont lose your Children during the holidays …

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The Ulama of South Africa VS Khawaarijsm

An article on Khawaarijism was widely circulated last week and much spoken about. The Darul Iftaa also received many queries from the public enquiring about which Ulama in South Africa are Khawaarij as the article raised many concerns. A similar question was posed to Mufti Saheb on the Q&A program …

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Is Covid-19 a Hoax

IS COVID – 19 A HOAX? IS COVID – 19 MAN -MADE? Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb answered  these questions on the Cii Q&A program on Wednesday night (16/12/20). Listen to the Q&A Audio below. (Right click and ‘save link as’ to download)   Is Covid 19 a Hoax | Q&A on …

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