Darul Iftaa Latest


What effect does the numbering system have?

QUESTION: I am confused about the numbering system. I had an incident when I got married when my wife got scared of something when she was alone at home at around Fajar time. Someone told us that there is a problem with the house spiritually so move to a diffferent …

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Why do Muslims don’t get baptized whereas they believe in Jesus?

QUESTION: My friend asked me a question that “muslims say that no muslim is a muslim until they believe jesus christ(pbuh) and follow him……..if that is true why muslims didn’t get baptized? ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu `alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. As Muslims, …

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What happens to the souls in barzakh?

Question: We know that the shaheed is not dead and are living amongst us and are getting their risk but I want to know that what happens to the other people like us who are not shaheed and die a natural death at hands of Izrael? What happens to our …

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